News & Events

LRP: Important Updates for Crop Year 2024

This year we have two big updates for Livestock Risk Protection (LRP). Below are the changes directly from the Risk Management Agency:

· Modified the end of the sales period to 8:25 AM Central Time; and

· For LRP-Fed Cattle, modified the price series to “Over 80% Choice.”

The first modification means that any Specific Coverage Endorsements (SCEs) must be signed and submitted by 7:25 AM MST. To ensure that coverage will be submitted on time, we urge customers to contact their advisor no later than 7:00 AM MST. The RMA typically releases rates at 2:30 PM MST, to see LRP offers please see the RMA’s website here: Livestock Reports (

Or sign up for our Daily Rates Email and rates will be sent directly to you whenever they are available. Offers can be customized by commodity type, head count, and weight. Contact AgRisk Advisors to start receiving your individual link.

The second modification aligns the Fed Cattle actual ending values with the type of cattle that are being produced to see the USDA report, see the following link: 5 Area Weekly Weighted Average Direct Slaughter Cattle

For any questions, please contact an AgRisk Advisor today!